sustainable event venues london - photo of a brick building with green leaves growing up the side

Planning a Sustainable Event Check Out Londons Eco-Friendly Venues

London’s Sustainable Event Venues Are a Green Choice Whether you are organising an office party or a large-scale conference, choosing a venue that is both environmentally responsible and optimises your budget can be a challenge. London is an ideal city for hosting sustainable events, and finding the perfect eco-friendly venue could not be simpler. Taking steps to make your event more sustainable is easier than it seems. The first step is to consider the location....

2 min · Curtis
Sustainable Event Guidelines How to have a low-impact event

Sustainable Event Guidelines How to Have a Low-Impact Event

Hosting a Low-Impact Event for Eco-Conscious Businesses When it comes to event planning and hosting, there are many ways to reduce the environmental impact of your event and remain mindful of your company’s sustainability practices. By incorporating sustainable strategies, your business can stay green, help conserve the planet’s natural resources, and still provide guests with an exceptional experience. When planning an event, think about alternative materials to use such as biodegradable plates and utensils, recyclable napkins, and compostable table linens....

2 min · Curtis
Sustainable Event Guidelines Tips to Ensure A Green and Ethical Occasion Feature Image

Sustainable Event Guidelines Tips to Ensure A Green and Ethical Occasion

Tips for Planning and Hosting a Sustainable Event As more businesses strive to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices, hosting sustainable events has become an increasingly popular choice for green and ethical occasions. Sustainable events prioritize the environment, with an emphasis on utilizing materials, activities and cuisine that contribute to protecting the earth and its inhabitants. Planning and hosting a sustainable event may at first seem overwhelming, but following the correct Sustainable Event Guidelines can help ensure a successful and positive occasion....

2 min · Curtis
A collection of greenery and nature at sustainable event venues in London

Sustainable Event Venues Exploring Londons Eco-Friendly Options

Exploring London’s Eco-Friendly Venue Options for Events Organizing an event is a great way to attract new customers, build relationships with existing ones, and spread key messages about businesses. With environmental issues arising, running an event cognizant of the environmental impact has become increasingly important for businesses. In London, there are an abundance of options for eco-friendly venues that can accommodate any type of event. The city is full of venues with a commitment to sustainability, reducing their carbon footprint, conserving resources and sourcing more eco-friendly materials....

3 min · Curtis
Image of several people smiling together inside a sustainable event venue

Sustainable Event Venues Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Event

Finding the Right Sustainable Venue for Your Event Organizing an eco-friendly and sustainable event requires more than just good intentions. Attention must be paid when selecting a venue to ensure that event planning and execution are aligned with sustainable values and practices. You must consider the total amount of waste generated, carbon emissions, and if the existing infrastructure and amenities are already geared towards sustainability. When looking for a venue, you can start by looking for venues that are already LEED or Green Seal certified....

2 min · Curtis
Green leaves with a banner reading Sustainable Event Venues London

Sustainable Event Venues in London A Guide to Eco-Friendly Celebrations

Planning an Eco-Friendly Celebration in London As businesses become more conscious of their environmental impact, it is becoming increasingly important to seek out sustainable event venues in London that enable us to reduce our carbon footprint. This guide outlines key considerations for businesses looking for a green event venue in London for their celebration. When searching for an eco-friendly event venue in London, consider the following: Transport options: If a venue is not easily accessible via public transport, it may be a significant source of emissions from attendees travelling to and from the venue....

2 min · Curtis
Sustainable ideas for events how to make a big impact with environmentally conscious events

Sustainable Ideas for Events How to Make a Big Impact with Environmentally Conscious Events

Create Events with Environmentally Conscious Practices Are you a business looking to reduce your carbon footprint and implement sustainable practices? Events are a great place to start. From reducing waste to using sustainable materials, there are many ways to make a big impact with an environmentally conscious event. When planning an event, a great place to start is by using eco-friendly materials. Choosing items such as sustainable wooden RFID key fobs instead of plastic ones is a great way to reduce your event’s carbon footprint....

2 min · Curtis
Sustainable ideas for events - making a positive impact on our planet

Sustainable Ideas for Events Making a Positive Impact on Our Planet

Making Events More Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Organising events has a significant environmental impact, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With more businesses wanting to reduce their carbon footprint and be more eco-friendly, implementing sustainable practices when putting together events can make a positive impact on our planet. For events with a large physical presence, such as conferences, trade fairs and festivals, there are a few simple measures that can be taken to ensure the event is as environmentally-friendly as possible....

2 min · Curtis
A collection of sustainable facility management solutions applied within event venues

Sustainable Solutions for Facilities Management at Event Venues

Towards Sustainable Facilities Management Event venues present unique challenges when considering sustainable practices, due to the often high volume of attendees and short time duration of events. However, implementing sustainable solutions can have a long-lasting and substantial environmental impact. When planning event venues and managing facilities, key areas of consideration should include: Alternatives to single-use items such as plates, cups and cutlery Replacing disposable hand towels with hand dryers and reusable towels Upgrading lighting and other electronic systems to energy efficient solutions Using RFID key fobs or cards instead of plastic keys Implementing proper waste disposal and recycling practices Utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar or wind While many of these solutions may require some upfront investment costs, such actions also enable event venues to save on energy and water costs in the long run....

2 min · Curtis
Sustainable Meeting Venues in London

Sustainable Sourcing Finding the Right Meeting Venues in London

Finding Sustainable Meeting Venues in London for Environmental-conscious Businesses As a business, it is important to prioritize sustainability and reduce your carbon footprint. Sustainable sourcing can take various forms from finding organic ingredients to sourcing from ethical suppliers, but also means being able to find the right meeting venue in London for environmental-conscious businesses. When it comes to finding the right meeting venue in London, there are a few key considerations such as reducing travel emissions where possible and utilizing venues that are certified as environmentally friendly....

2 min · Curtis